Herida-Avon High Risk Foam Mattress

Herida-Avon High Risk Foam Mattress

Code: S02-0005

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The Avon Heel™ pressure reducing mattress has been developed using the very latest combustion modified ether foam technology (CME). This best in range, high-quality product features a castellated foam surface, which sits on a sturdy “U shaped” foam base. The pressure reducing, castellated zones are shaped smaller at the head and foot ends in order to maximise pressure re-distribution in the most vulnerable areas, whilst featuring larger castellation’s in the centre, so that the mainstream patient weight can be managed efficiently and effectively. The ultra soft heel section is sloped in order to reduce pressure, whilst an alternative cut (left to right) of visco elastic foam, provides maximum comfort levels. Suitable for patients at high to very high risk of developing pressure wounds and used in hospital, home and care home environments.